Good Times

A considerable amount of concern was shown over the Good Times virus sometime in December 1994 and March/April 1995. I read articles posted in USENET on Good Times and saw questions being sent to security mailing lists.

So, was Good Times really causing havoc? How much damage did it do to others and how much damage can it do to your PC? What did Good Times do anyway?

Well, Good Times was a HOAX! Rumours went round that you should delete all messages you receive with "Good Times" as subject, so without reading about it, people deleted such messages immediately, frightened that the virus might attack if they kept these messages or read them. The Good Times "virus" was thus spread --- because these messages were here to tell people that Good Times is only a hoax, but of course, many people did not even want to risk reading them. Here is a copy of the email message that was sent to warn people of Good Times.

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